Process equipment / Recuperatie revaporisatiestoom

Recuperatie revaporisatiestoom

Would you like to improve the efficiency of your steam plant and save more energy? Then you can use our skid that recovers energy from revaporised steam . It is composed of an atmospheric condensate vessel, pumps, level control, control panel and tubular heat exchanger.

Example energy recovery:

12.000 kg/h of condensate at 6 barg enters our atmospheric vessel. 1426 kg/h of revaporisation steam at 102,3°C will be produced. Here we can heat 15°C water to 95°C which will recover 890 kW. This can be used as feed water for the steam boiler or used to heat buildings.

William Nuyts

Expert in recuperatie revaporisatiestoom

Any questions? Let me know.

+32 (0)14 28 58 20

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