Process equipment / Gas scrubbers
Due to increasing environmental regulations, plant operators are forced to clean the exhaust gas from their processes. Our Körting gas scrubbers meet the ever-increasing requirements for gas cleaning worldwide. They have been used successfully for decades for cooling, physical and chemical absorption and dedusting. Compliance with emission regulations is possible thanks to Körting technology.
Advantages of our Körting gas scrubbers:
Simple designs
Little maintenance required
High levels of reliability and availability
No fire risk in the scrubber
A combination of gas conveying with dedusting and absorption
A typical Körting jet or venturi scrubbing plant consists of:
Jet or Venturi scrubber
Separation tank
Swirl droplet separator (DTA)
Depending on the design, an additional washing column
Optionally, it can be fitted with various fittings, pumps and heat exchangers on a skid
Our scrubbers can be made of :
Carbon steel
Stainless steel
coated steel (rubber, Halar, ...)
Plastic (FRP, PP, PVC, PVDF, ...)
Special materials such as Titanium, Hastelloy, Tantalum, ...
Our Jet scrubbers can be used to cool, absorb, dedust or transport gas streams.
The driving fluid acts as a scrubbing medium and sucks the gas into the scrubber. The gas is accelerated by the momentum exchange with the propellant medium. This results in a suction flow, causing an increase in gas pressure. Depending on the plant design, this pressure increase means that internal resistance in the plant and resistance in adjacent pipes can be overcome. This is why our jet gas scrubber replaces a mechanical fan in many cases. Our Jet scrubbers can create a pressure increase of up to 40 mbar.
The Venturi scrubber is mainly used in dedusting. For example, our Venturi scrubbers can separate particles smaller than 3µm.
Because a nozzle is used in our Venturi gas scrubbers, the gas and dust particles accelerate at speeds of 150 m/s, generating very high relative velocities between gas and liquid. The energy that must be transferred to generate these relative velocities is directly proportional to the pressure loss of the Venturi scrubber. This is compensated by a mechanical blower.
The resulting shear forces break the liquid droplets into smaller droplets. At the same time, thanks to their inertia, the dust particles are no longer able to follow the flow of the gas. They are thrown away on the droplets and separated into the washing medium.
The Venturi scrubber separates gas and dust particles. In the separation tank, the washed gas and liquid phase are separated which also acts as a buffer for the washing liquid.
Downstream, a droplet separator is placed to remove fine droplets from the gas stream. Depending on design requirements, other components can be added.